Tuesday, December 16, 2014

How to Use a Reward System for Children

It may be rather difficult at times to tell your children to do something if you don’t have anything for them in return. Children are usually very eager to earn rewards for whatever they do. These rewards do not necessarily have to be money. After all, you do not want your children to grow up materialistic, do you? However, when it comes to giving children a reward, there are things that you need to pay attention to. First of all, you need to pay attention to your children’s age range. Different age range is interested in different kinds of rewards.

Preschoolers and Toddlers

For preschoolers and toddlers, simple sticker charts will often do the trick. All you have to do is to let your children decorate the sticker charts themselves. This way, they will be more motivated to do what you tell them to do so as to earn the stickers from you that they can put on the charts. In this case, you need to make sure that the pictures on the stickers are something that your children will definitely like. For an example, if your children seem to have an interest in the automotive world, it is best for you to give them stickers with pictures of cars on them. When your children have decorated their sticker charts, it is recommended that you display the charts somewhere everyone in your house can see. This will please your children and make them proud, resulting in them getting more motivated whenever you ask them to do something.

School Age Children

As your children grow up to the school age, your reward system will have to change, but not by much anyway. As a matter of fact, you can still use the sticker system, only that you have to add something to earn besides the stickers. For instance, a school age child is normally excited about going to the playground to play with their friends or some other children in the neighborhood. Hence, for school age children, you can give rewards like when they earn a certain number of stickers, you will allow them to play in that playground.


Tweens may no longer be interested in going to the playground, let alone collecting stickers. With that being said, you will have to think of something else. In this case, you can always give your tweens some extra privileges of sorts. For instance, when your tweens have done something you ask them to do, you can give them more time watching TV, playing video games, browsing the internet and so on.


Last but not least, you still have to think about what kind of rewards you can give to your teenage children. This age range, however, often proves to be the final age range where you have to give certain rewards to ask your children to do something. As they grow older, they will become more mature in thought so you should not worry about any more rewards. For teenagers, however, you can give such a reward as giving them certain privileges depending on their behavior. A good example, perhaps, is that you can let your teenage children drive a car if they have completed all the tasks you assign to them and that they behave nicely in the house.